dissabte, 22 de maig del 2010

What about POLLUTION?



I used a visual power point, which helped the audience to comprehend easily, and I didn’t use any notes, so that was a good point for me. I talked a little more than five minutes, which was great.

Body language and eye contact

I was looking at the audience most of the time and I didn’t read any notes. I know I should do more gestures to hold the attention of the audience.


It was very well structured, but apart from then, later or to conclude I should use more connectors.


I think I introduced some interesting ideas like how much petrol a plane consumes, and I also did some examples like how there were some airports problems caused by a volcano explosion. I looked some information up on the internet, but it was original, I think.


I made some grammar mistakes like putting the article THE before pollution (fight to pollution instead of fight pollution), but in general, the grammar was correct. I think it lacked more phrasal verbs, but the vocabulary was great. I know that I should use more sentence linkers and more pause fillers.

Pronunciation & intonation
I have to say that I checked the pronunciation of all the words that I didn’t know how to pronounce on the internet. So, what I have to improve is with my tone because I have a monotone which bores the audience if I speak a long time. However I spoke fluidly.


Here you have a literal transcription of my oral presentation. I think I deserve a good mark.


Good morning! I’m Gisela, as all of you know, and I’m going to start my 3rd oral presentation which is about a social problem.

The title that I have chosen is... What about pollution?

Erm.. I think that all of you know that pollution is always a negative alt... alteration to the environment, and there are a lot of types of pollution, water pollution, acoustic pollution, atmosphere pollution... and more else.

Erm... First, we are going to see who causes pollution. Now, the majority part of pollution is caused by humans, but it can also be caused by natural effects like volcanoes explosions. Do you remember that few weeks ago there was a volcano explosion in Iceland? Which caused some problems in flights, European flights? So, that was, that caused, pollution in the atmosphere. Here you have some, the most important things that cause pollution. And the first place there are erm.. factories and cars and planes. Did you know that a plane, in every flight, consumes, more or less, the same petrol that one person consumes all his life with his car? It’s a lot! So you must think more, a little more, before you buy a plane ticket. And here is light pollution and acoustic pollution that we are very used to.

Well, and then, how does pollution effect? It affects to the environment, the natural ecosystem, altering it.

For example, if there’s atmosphere pollution, the atmosphere changes, the composition of the atmosphere changes, which means that the climate change and the temperature of the planet gets higher, which means the poles melts and which means some species can become extinct, like the bear, the polar bear.

And, what can we do to reduce pollution? We can do some basical things like recycle, whenever we can, or turn off the light when there’s enough natural light, or instead of using particular transport, use public transport or bicycles. And... all of these are topics, and I think all of you already know them. And what’s new, is this other way to reduce pollution. Like take part of an organization, ecological organisation, or erm... work as a volunteer in some ecological problems or... go to manifestations, ecological manifestations.

So, we can fight to pollution by our own, but, do you think that if we take care of our acts, the pollution will ends? I don’t think so, I think that we need the collaboration of politicians, the owners of big industries and multinationals because, at the end, they are who have the power to cause pollution or not in our planet.

So, what are the politicians doing to fight to pollution? Well the politicians now are changing, are starting to use new energies which aren’t aggressive to the nature and they are using this energies instead of petrol. And there’s an organisation erm.. the U.N.O. (united National Organization) which is fighting to make an accord, and agreement, so join all the countries to fight to the climate change which at the end is caused by pollution. Erm... and the last protocol that U.N.O. did was the Kyoto Protocol, which, as all of you know, neither U.S.A. or China didn’t wanted ai! Didn’t want to take part. And they are who need more than other countries to fight to pollution.

And, to conclude is pollution as important as it looks? I think yes, I think it s. And we have to join us to fight to it.

And to co.. to finish my presentation I leave you this comic vignette and this sentence which is our book in page 73, I think.

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