divendres, 28 de maig del 2010


There’s a platform against the project of making a wind farm in the south coast of Spain and there’s a man, whose name is Alberto Vázquez Figueroa, who talks about the reasons why he’s against this project.

He says that wind energy, nowadays, in Spain, isn’t profitable because we can only use this type of energy when the wind blows as it can’t be stored. But, when we need more energy, in this country, in the summer and at midday, when the wind doesn’t blow. So, why do we build these wind farms? This man answer the question saying that we build them because of some people who are interested in making lots of money, more precisely because of the interests of some politicians and some businessmen. What they get is a lot of money from government subsidies and not for selling this energy; if not, they would lose a lot of money.

The message that Velazquez gives is that this country won’t work well if we continue to allow this corruption of wind farms.


I agree with Vázquez because it's true that we are in crisis and that we don't have enough money to waste on an unnecessary energies like wind energy.

On one hand if we use wind energy means that we are using natural energy that doesn't pollute the atmosphere, but, on the other hand, there is the cost of this energy, which is too expensive compared to the result that we get. So, we should think a little more before we accept building a wind farm in our country. In other words, we have to fight to these types of corruption projects; and, as Velazquez says, we can only solve this problem if we cooperate together picking up firms or going to manifestations.

To conclude, I think everybody has to be well informated about the prize of a wind farm and about where is the money from to pay it. Only if we know the problem , we will act.

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